
On the 28th of September 2015, Excel robotics was approved by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited to the following Quality Management System and Standards: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008. The Quality Management System is applicable to: Steel Fabrication including Manual and Robotic Welding. This is a great achievement for the company and shows the commitment of the management and workforce in achieving certification to ensure quality products are produced for our clients.



Excel robotics have been selected as a finalist for Category 3 – Best work health and safety practices in small business. Finalists will be announced at the Work Safety Awards breakfast presentation Friday 30th of October 2015. The presentation is being held at the University Club of Western Australia. After the visit by Worksafe inspectors earlier in the year we were thrilled to be considered for the award.



Excel robotics took out first place for – Best work health and safety practices in small business hosted by Worksafe. This is a great achievement and reinforces our commitment to work place health and safety.



We are proud to announce the leasing of workshop 2 just around the corner from our main workshop. This workshop Unit 2/47 Howson way in Bibra Lake has a floor space of over 11,000 meters square and 2 overhead cranes one 5 Tonne and 1 10 tonne. There is plenty of power and is an excellent addition to our existing facility and more importantly our workload capability.



This week Excel Robotics purchased a new Kemppi twin Feed Pipe Welding machine. This machine can weld a GMAW root and then FCAW Fill and cap using the same power source. In addition several rotators have also been purchased to add to our range of pipe welding equipment.



As part of our continuing fabrication improvement program, we have constantly been adding to our existing range of weld procedures, which includes procedures for structural steel AS/NZS 1554.1, Steels subject to high fatigue loading  AS/NZS1554.5, Stainless Steel for structural purposes AS/NZS 1554.6 and pressure codes to AS/NZS 3992